The management of ARDC-Jamshedpur Strives to make available the best lodging & fooding facilities to its learners coming from outside Jamshedpur or any one wiling to stay near the college premises.
The management of ARDC-Jamshedpur Strives to make available the best lodging & fooding facilities to its learners coming from outside Jamshedpur or any one wiling to stay near the college premises in spite of the fact that ARDC-Jamshedpur serves no lodging & fooding facilities, the students approaching for the assistance to have the lodging & fooding facilities are much satisfied because of the assistance given by the Student Welfare Officers in finding best hostel & mess services near to the college premises. The Student Welfare Officer of ARDC-Jamshedpur is in touch with various hostels of different categories for both boys & girls. ARDC has appointed Student Welfare Officers who take-care of all the boarders for their comfort living & healthy educational environment.

The individual should carry their own bedsheet, plates, spoons, glass & buckets.
Boarders must not carry any valuable items/ ornaments with them.
Boarders must not carry any speaker, electric heaters, induction stoves, gas stoves, etc.
Boarders are not permitted to stick posters/ formula/pictures of any type (including God and Goddess) Painting, Drawing or Writing on the hostel walls.
Ragging/Harassment/Quarrels/Misbehaviour/Speech Embarrassment in the hostel will be viewed very seriously. Hence it is advised to abstain from all anti-social activities. RAGGING IS STRICTLY BANNED BY THE ORDER OF THE HONOURABLE SUPREME COURT. A POLICE CASE WILL BE REGISTERED AGAINST THE CULPRITS. Institutes will hand over those who indulge in ragging to the police after a Preliminary enquiry by the anti-ragging committee. Parents and Guardians will be informed the same after handing them over to the police. Hence all the Parents and Guardians of hostel students are advised to make a note of it and advise their wards do not to indulge in ragging in any form is classified under the Anti-ragging act of Govt. of India. The Institute will not take any responsibility for any police action based on the above activities within the campus or outside the campus.
Consumption of alcohol and smoking is strictly prohibited. in any kind, if anyone found indulging in such activities will be expelled immediately from the hostel without notice.
All hostellers are required to maintain standards of behaviour expected of students of a prestigious institution.
Prior permission of the warden and respective batch in charge must be taken by the students if they are not attending the classes and for leaving to their homes.
Extra electrical appliances such as Heaters, Air conditioners, Coolers, Reflectors, Radio. T.V. etc. are not allowed within the Hostel room.
During the institute study hours, the hostellers should not remain within their rooms. If found, they will be fined.
For any damage to the room wares, the dwellers shall be solely responsible and they will have to bear the expenses incurred in the repair.
Any act of indiscipline and moral depravity may throw a student to suspension for a definite period or even expulsion from the institute outright.
Boarders should not participate in any anti-national, antisocial or undesirable activity in or outside the campus.
When the students go out of their room they should switch off all the electrical / electronic appliances, and keep them locked. Violation will attract suitable penalties and punishment as decided by authorities.